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Protecting your Phone/Laptop/Tablet screens.

This happened to me a couple of days ago when my colleague at work, avenging my act of trying to wipe the dust he loves so much off his keyboard using glass cleaning detergent, ruined the screen protector of my tablet.

This claimed hours of my time spending on searching for a suitable solution. None seemed to work for me, for example:
  • Original protectors from vendors are up to $10 costly.
  • Plastic tapes are very sticky, hard to clear bubbles from and even the largest size isn't for screens larger than 5 inches, and of course nobody would suggest sticking pieces of it.
  • Some people suggested using Transparency papers and God knows why - they don't stick and you are not looking for something you hold with one hand and use the screen from the other hand, if it's a touch screen.
  • Vinyl papers are not easily available, catch scratches too early and need to be changed every few days.
  • A variety of people suggested using the device without protector. No comments on that.
After having tried the above, I finally concluded that there is nothing better than an original protector but the point here is saving money. So here is what I did and you need would too.

A protector consists of 3 layers, the thick one in the middle is the actual protector and has a sticky and a non-sticky side; there is a protection cover on both of its sides which are removed when applying the protector. You are interested in these covers. You'll find that one of them is sticky; you will join them both edge-to-edge. And now you have another sheet of protector ready for your tablet, phone or any other device you may want to protect from scratches and dust. I have used left over of my laptop's protector for my tablet already and still have enough to make another, and a couple for my phone as well.

My tablet after with newly applied protector and below is the left over for future use

When applying the protector, you need to keep a few things in your mind:

  • Use the sharpest scissors or blades you have when cutting the protector to the size of your device.
  • Use tissue paper or credit card to remove bubbles, fingers won't help.
  • Start applying from a side instead of middle of the screen.
  • Put the device on a flat surface and make sure it doesn't move or shake.
  • Cut the protector to the right size before applying.
  • The perfect place to do the whole procedure is your bathroom; turn on hot shower until steam fills the room. This is to avoid dust and wind.
Follow the tips and you won't end up with something like this

I hope this post helps you. Suggestions and feedback is welcome.


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