In our previous attempt , we applied some machine learning techniques to our data and predicted the values for target variable using AgeGroup, Sex, Pclass and Embarked attributes. Now, we will further explore other attributes and see how much information we can extract. This time, instead of keeping test set apart, we will merge it into the training data set. This will enable us to collect complete range of values for each attribute, in case there are some missing outs in training set: > dataset$Dataset <- 'train' > testset$Dataset <- 'test' > testset$Survived <- 0 > dataset <- rbind(dataset, testset[,c(1,13,2:12)]) This may look a strange way to merge two data sets, but here's some explanation. The first line adds a column Survived to testset, so that both the dataset and testset have identical columns. The next two lines add another column to identify whether a record is from training set or test set. The last line merge...