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How to detach from Facebook... properly

Yesterday, I deactivated my Facebook account after using it for 10 years. Of course there had to be a very solid reason; there was, indeed... their privacy policy . If you go through this page, you might consider pulling off as well. Anyways, that's not what this blog post is about. What I learned from yesterday is that the so-called "deactivate" option on Facebook is nothing more than logging out. You can log in again without any additional step and resume from where you last left. Since I really wanted to remove myself from Facebook as much as I can, I investigated ways to actually delete a Facebook account. There's a plethora of blogs on the internet, which will tell you how you can simply remove Facebook account. But almost all of them will either tell you to use "deactivate" and "request delete" options. The problem with that is that Facebook still has a last reusable copy of your data. If you really want to be as safe from its s...
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5 common myths about batteries

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Story of a code review

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Titanic: A case study for predictive analysis on R (Final)

Our previous attempt to accurately predict whether a passenger is likely to survive, a competition from . We used some statistics and machine learning models to classify the passengers. In our final part, we will push our limits using advanced machine learning models, including Random Forests, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines and other algorithms, and see how long we can torture our data before it confesses. Let's resume from where we left. We are applying an implementation of Random forest method of classification. Shortly, this model grows many decision trees and then uses a voting system to decide which trees to pick. This way, the common issue with decision trees,  over fitting  is mitigated (learn more here ). > library(randomForest) > formula <- as.factor(Survived) ~ Sex + Pclass + FareGroup + SibSp + Parch + Embarked + HasCabin + AgePredicted + AgeGroup  > set.seed(seed) > rf_fit <- randomForest(formula, data=dataset[...

Do's and don'ts for Team Leaders - 1

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