Our previous attempt to accurately predict whether a passenger is likely to survive, a competition from Kaggle.com . We used some statistics and machine learning models to classify the passengers. In our final part, we will push our limits using advanced machine learning models, including Random Forests, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines and other algorithms, and see how long we can torture our data before it confesses. Let's resume from where we left. We are applying an implementation of Random forest method of classification. Shortly, this model grows many decision trees and then uses a voting system to decide which trees to pick. This way, the common issue with decision trees, over fitting is mitigated (learn more here ). > library(randomForest) > formula <- as.factor(Survived) ~ Sex + Pclass + FareGroup + SibSp + Parch + Embarked + HasCabin + AgePredicted + AgeGroup > set.seed(seed) > rf_fit <- randomForest(formula, data=dataset[...