Connecting to Cloud Previously, we looked at how to configure an EC2 instance on AWS. If you're not sure what this sentence was about, click here . In this post, we'll look at some ways to connect to your EC2 instance and try out an example. I'm assuming you already know how to get to the EC2 console page from AWS home. ٖFrom here, you should go to the Running Instances link to check your instances. You should see something like this: Right now, we only have one instance of t2.micro configuration, running on public IP address defined under Public IP. We will first create an alarm to make sure we do not hit our cap when experimenting. Click the Alarm icon under Alarm Status. You should see a pop up to configure an alarm. We are interested in making sure that the CPU usage is under certain limits. Let's create an alarm. We want to generate an email alert whenever our instance is consuming over 90% of processing power for 1 hour or more. We...